Abhishek AN
A Full Stack Android Developer
based in Bangalore, India.
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Full stack developer
Bigbasket is an online supermarket for all your daily needs.
BigBasket, in association with FoodMates launched BB Wellness, a first
of its kind dietitian nutritionist service in Bangalore.
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Co-founder, CTO
Community platform for sustainability enthusiasts
Iku is a social platform where you can find your community that celebrates all your
efforts towards living more sustainably. My first startup :) and started building
this while in college.
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Android Developer
Ed-tech platform based on news articles
An organization to have established a whole new system of education solely based on news
articles. I was responsible for releasing the first version of the product & leading the Android
app development and working with other teams of the technology team in building the product :)
COVID Relief
In collaboration with Let’s be the change,
a database offering availability of necessary
services during the pandemic.
Admin Panel Neumorphism
An admin panel design I built in my free
time using neumorphism.